800 227 4841
Brought to you by Southeastern Shirt

About InService Products

One thing unique about Southeastern Shirt that few American companies can say now days is that we still have manufacturing on US soil, under the direct supervision and guidance of the comapany owner. A business that has never been anything but family owned by the original founders. It’s a story of America.

Like so many companies, we could have moved our entire manufacturing process off shore years ago as so many of our competitors have. But when you do that you turn your back on customers loyal to made in the USA and on Amercian workers who without question are the best in the world. And that’s something we refuse to do here at Southeastern Shirt. But realistically and financially, for a certain percentage of our customers there’s another side of the business. The side where some department budgets demand a lower price and extremely high quality, yet don’t demand the product be manufacutured in America. For that reason we now offer an imported line of clothing through a new brand named InService. These uniforms are manufactured and imported under our close supervision and to our exacting specifications by manufacturers that understand our eye for detail and strict production requirements. In return we offer our customers a fantastic uniform alternative at a lower price point.

To eliminate any confusion we give the InService brand a separate section on our website to make sure there’s no misleading our customers regarding the Southeastern Shirt brand being 100% US made vs. the imported InService label. It’s about honesty and integrity and our customers knowing what they are getting before they place an order.

In a enviornnment of ever shrinking budgets and even more personel on the roster an increasing number of department profressionals need a great but affordable choice. By offering an imported option we’re able to give them what they need as a competitive alternative. That would be another great product from Southeastern Shirt labeled InService.